Willkommen, Bienvenu, Welcome
Life is a cabaret, old chum. But this is about my life, whether you like it or not. Who am I? My name's John. I read Salon and SlashDot. I run Redhat 7.1, which is embarrassing for several reasons. I live in New York, NY, but I am on the West Coast at least a third of the year. Contact Email: root@ That's just because I hate spam. If you are organic life you can contact me at ****QInconsequential**the_server_being**netcape.net****. |
To Wrap or Not to Wrap: The glibc linuxthreads debacle
Without Posix threads in the Linux kernel, programmers are caught between a rock and a hard place. Either glibc calls like read() and accept() have to wrapped, to make them cancellable on a thread level, which makes threads unbearably slow, or not, which makes process management nearly impossible. What should be done? Stand by, my threads page is coming...
Get Rich Quick-From My Site!
Just kidding. There's no way to get rich quick. Except winning the lottery. Or robbing a bank. Or going to Harvard Business School. Okay, maybe there are plenty of ways to get rich quick, but not on this page, OK? |
Sunrise, Sunset...
Another picture I like that came with the site.